Our Vision and Belief
At Bethany we believe that EVERYONE is of inestimable value and therefore worthy of deep respect, sensitive consideration and protection. This particularly applies to babies, children and young people for two key reasons. Firstly, they are growing, learning and developing in response to the people around them, including those they meet in the church, so our interactions with them are important. Secondly, age and immaturity naturally means babies, children and young people are more vulnerable to harm. Therefore, as members of this church we commit ourselves to the nurturing, protection and safekeeping of babies, children and young people and will pray for them regularly.
We have developed a policy and some procedures based on statute, best practice and expert guidance from the Baptist Union of Great Britain to help the church fulfil its safeguarding responsibilities. This includes the designation of key individuals to see the policy is maintained, any actions are carried and out and the membership is kept informed of its responsibilities.
A copy of our Safeguarding Policy and Procedures and Safeguarding Best Practice is available on request from one of the Church Deacons or the responsible Safeguarding member of our fellowship (to be confirmed at the Church Annual General Meeting on the 22nd March 2021).