January can be a very long month and all the more so as we live with continued restrictions on our lives. But we will all find reasons to be thankful, whether it’s having our Covid-19 vaccine, a catch up with friends by phone or indulging a hobby or favoured pastime.

And now February comes with its “hint of spring”, marginally longer days and a step nearer the end of the pandemic! Praise Be! As a church community we are sad not to be able to meet and worship, pray and socialise together, but even in this God is blessing us as we embrace new ways of meeting and being in touch.

This month we have built on the successful Zoom Bible Studies to offer Zoom Meet and Chat every Wednesday at 2.30 pm and also Zoom Sunday Morning Worship at 10.45.

If you can possibly access these times of togetherness through a computer or smart-phone, please join in and don’t be afraid to seek help! We are all feeling our way through this new technology so patience is a given and “practice makes perfect” is a by-line! We thank our Moderator and deacons for keeping our Church ticking over.